Create Next Invoice

Create Next Invoice

Create Next Invoice anytime by simply specifying the line items and values such as quantity, cost, discount, and tax percentage. Follow the below steps to create your next invoice:

From the specific Lease Information Page, click the grid button and click Create Invoice.

Select Next Invoice from the pop-up.

Now, you can create your next invoice on your own. Fields that contain personal and communication information are non-editable here. However, you can select the Desired date, Due date, and billing period from the date picker.

Note: The dropdown Use deleted invoice number indicates the list of deleted invoice numbers which can be used for a newly created invoice. Click here to know more about deleted invoice number.

Add the line items for the invoice and enter the values (quantity, cost, tax percentage, and discount) accordingly. You can add any number of line items by clicking Add a new item.

Enter comments if you’d want to make any notes of the action. Added comments will be reflected in the invoice as well. Enable the checkbox By Email to send the invoice to the tenant via email. Finally click Save.

Here’s how you can enable/customize settings on Invoice Notes:

Go to Settings >> Documents >> Invoice Receipt

As you click Note, the checkboxes Note will appear. Enable/disable the checkbox to show/hide the Notes text area accordingly on the invoice.