The default tab that opens when you click on the Operations menu is the Units tab.
The units tab has a list of all the storage on your 6Storage account.
The operations that can be performed on the Units tab are:
1. Adding units on your 6Storage account.
2. Updating the price of storage(s)
3. Assign Unit based services to storage(s)
4. Assign Unit based discounts to storage(s)
5. Assign Amenities to storage(s)
6. Add storage descriptions to show on your website.
7. Upload storage images to show on your website.
8. Option to enable/disable storage(s) to show on your website.
9. Updating Security Deposit to storage(s)
10. Delete Storage(s)
11. Updating a custom reservation fee.
The filters on the Units tab help you to narrow down your search for the unit. You have different filter options such as Storage category, Locations, Building, Unit status, Unit type, Add-ons.
- Storage Category, Location & Building: The options come up from the 6Storage account settings.
- Unit Status: Vacant, Occupied, Repaired, Maintenance, Facility Use are the various status on 6Storage.
- Unit Type: The filter options come up from the 6Storage account settings.
- Add Ons: Services, Discount, Amenities are the various add on's on 6Storage.
Note: When you select a particular add-on, for example, the discount then a new filter with all the discount plan names will appear on the screen so that you can filter the storage based on a particular discount plan.
Column Chooser:
The column chooser helps you choose the columns you would like to see whenever you visit the units tab.
The columns that can be customized on the screen are Locations, Buildings, Services, Amenities, Discounts, Standard unit price, Security deposit, Access code, Unit status.
For example, Disabling the Discount check box from the column choose will hide the discount column from the screen.