V2-Un Paid Invoices

V2-Un Paid Invoices

Narrow down your search by choosing the right storage category, Location, Building, invoice from period & the invoice type as Unpaid Invoice from the Invoice session

The above table shows a list of all the unpaid invoices. 

From this list, we can find many more details like Tenant information, Unit Details, Invoice Details, Invoice Period, Due Date & the invoice amount that was not paid by the tenant. 

The list also tells you how since how many dates the invoice is due. 

Record cash Payment for unpaid invoices

Step 1: Filter the invoice for which the cash payments needs to be updated 

Step 2: Click on the Pay Selected Invoice button to record the payment for the selected invoice(s)

Step 3:  Confirm the payment date, type in any comments you would need for future reference. Click on Confirm button to record the payments

Choose if you need to send the invoice or the receipt to the tenant before clicking on Confirm button.