Creating Custom Templates is easy in 6Storage. To create a custom notification template, go to Settings >> Documents >> Notification Templates
Enter Template name, Subject, and type in the body of the template. On the left side, you can see the list of macros, by adding macros you can pull real-time data from your account. For example, if you add the macros '-storage name-' and '-unit#-', it will add the storage name and unit number to the email which will be sent to the tenant.
Macros can be added from the list of categories below. Simply drag and drop the desired macro to the place you want it in the template.
Once the content of the template is done, assign the template to a category by clicking the checkboxes from the list of options. You can add multiple categories to a single template.
Once the template is saved, you can preview the template, change the template category, edit and delete the template using the respective icons in the ‘Actions’ tab.