Creating email and text messages that can automatically be sent to your tenant(s) is easy. Follow the steps below to set up automated email messages:
Ensure that the Turn on the Email/SMS notification toggle button is turned on.
In the below screen, provide the details of the event you want to send.
1. Event Name: For example, overdue notice, move out reminders, rent reminders.
2. When to Remind -- in days:
Days: Specify the number of days before or after the event to send an email
After/ Before: Choose either After or Before from the dropdown.
Type of Event: Indicate the event that will trigger the email.
Two days before the Payment Due date: will send an email 2 days before the payment due date to all the tenants in the 6Storage account.
Three days before the scheduled Move Out date: will send an email to the tenant(s) 3 days before the Scheduled Move out Date.
3. Choose Template Category: Pick the template to be sent to the tenant by email.
Note: If you want to add a custom template, click on Create Template link.
To set up text messages, enable the SMS check box and choose a template.
The event will be created when you click on the Save button. The events you create will be added to the events table.
Note: The following actions can be performed on any event that is created:
1. Edit Event
2. Delete Event
3. View Report: Shows the details of notification emails and text messages sent to your tenant(s).