6Storage V2.2K23.5.0

6Storage V2.2K23.5.0

6Storage V2.2K23.5.0


We are excited to announce the Release of V2.2K23.3.5.0 for 6Storage! This release includes new features and bug fixes.   

Feature Enhancements

6Security Cloud Communication Implementation – We've enhanced 6Security cloud configuration on 6Security device to resolve the port closing issue for 6Security gate connection accounts, which also now allows for internet connection via internet hotspot.

Open Authorization (OAuth) Stabilization – Added additional safe and secure authorization for end-users to validate email and mobile numbers on the sign-up page to enhance overall security. 

Bug Fixes     

6Security Keypad Terminal Selection – Resolved the issue with the 6Security keypad terminal not selecting after a Move-in has been completed within the Admin Portal.

Payment Processing Messages – We have disabled the payment button after the first click from users to prevent the payment button being selected multiple times. We have also added a Payment is processing message to prevent users from closing out of the tab or browser.

Mismatch of Revenues Values in the Admin Dashboard – Resolved the mismatch of Revenues and Total Revenues values in the Admin Portal Dashboard.

Report Loading - Improved the performance and loading of the SMS Log Report, Overload Status, and Convenience Fee Reports.

6Storage Help Portal – Resolved an issue with the “Help Center” link still being re-directed to prior support platform.